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The Sexperts: Fifty Grades of Shay Page 3

  Kent and Doumi began kissing, gently at first, then with increasing passion. Before long they were skillfully undressing each other, as the background singer alternately cooed and whimpered.

  Chastity was watching raptly, lips parted, the robe open to her navel.

  Doumi's spectacular breasts came into view, small and round, with deep rose areolas and prominent nipples. Fanny slowed the video and zoomed in for a full close up of Kent's lips closing the distance to Doumi's nipple, biting gently, sucking, licking with a tongue Fanny knew was very talented because she'd had it between her legs during her training.

  Chastity gasped. Her face flushed a beautiful pink. Her hand crept to her throat, then slid down to rest between the mounds of her breasts. She uncrossed her legs, the robe gaping to show smooth pale thighs, still pressed tightly together.

  Fanny blinked and forced herself to type notes on Chastity's iChart, then turn her attention back to the video, which now showed the naked couple on a bed, leisurely fondling each other's bodies. Then the focus dwindled to Kent concentrating on pleasuring his wife by stroking her neatly waxed vulva, gently manipulating with his long sensitive fingers.

  "Ohh." Chastity's legs relaxed. Her hand slid lower, stopping at the robe's loosely knotted belt, then through it and below. The silk parted, revealing the curves of breasts but catching on excited nipples. "Ohhh."

  She was getting ready.

  So was Fanny.

  She shifted on the chair, wishing she was in her office, or the break room, or anywhere she could give herself some relief. She forced herself to type more notes.

  When she looked up, Kent was kissing his way down his wife's stomach. Lower, then lower still.

  "No way!" Chastity's eyes widened impossibly. Her breath caught.

  So did Fanny's.

  Kent's mouth hovered over his wife's smooth, dark-lipped pussy for three endless, breathtaking, excruciating seconds, then settled firmly onto it.

  Chastity's breath exploded. "Oh my gosh. Oh my... He's... oh my gosh."

  Chastity moved back impatiently on the iCliner, not taking her eyes off Kent's working tongue, her hand trailing up and down over her stomach. The robe fell fully open, baring lush, creamy breasts. Her areolas were a delicate shade of pink, her nipples slightly darker and protruding with excitement.

  For a second, Fanny imagined teasing the little nubs with her tongue, circling and flicking until they grew even harder, sucking them and nipping with her teeth. Before she knew it, her hips started moving, rocking back and forth of their own volition, pressing down into the chair, rubbing…

  Fanny clenched her thighs together, perspiration starting on her forehead, trying to think of anything but barging into the room and showing Chastity exactly what everything Kent was doing felt like.

  She forced herself to look away, to type a few notes on the iChart. When she looked back, Chastity's hand had crept further down, over her belly. Her thighs parted until a few light brown curls were barely visible from the monitoring room.

  Fanny swallowed, lightheaded and breathless with arousal. Hand shaking, she managed to initiate the next iCliner sequence, reclining the chair at the same time the iScreen rode a track up the wall so that Chastity could lie back and still watch the video without lifting her head. At Fanny's next touch on the control board, the base of the iCliner broadened, fitting Chastity's legs neatly into two channels that kept them comfortably open.

  Which gave Fanny an unobstructed view of the most beautiful pussy she'd ever seen. A plump round clitoris, begging to be touched, rosy pink lips that outlined her sweetly dark vaginal opening, surrounded by a delicate bush of never-cut hair.

  Her fingers twitched as she imagined what Chastity's warm, silky wetness would feel like. With all Fanny's training combined with her extensive extracurricular experience in masturbating, she knew just what would make Chastity moan, just what would make her scream, just what would make her…

  Fanny typed more notes on the iChart, mostly gibberish.

  On the screen, Kent's fingers went up inside his wife, thrusting in and out as he licked her.

  "Oh gosh." Chastity's fingers found her plump clitoris, touched it lightly, pulled back. Her beautiful face was flushed now, her blue eyes dark, lips open, breath coming fast. "Ohhhh."

  "Ohhhh." Fanny couldn't control herself. She covered her mouth with one hand.

  "Ohhhh." Doumi's slender, muscled body was writhing on the bed.

  Chastity touched herself again, legs spreading wider, then again, her fingers inexpert and fumbling, thighs tense with the effort of reaching for something she didn't yet understand.

  "Oh!" On the screen, Doumi's eyes locked onto the ceiling, her mouth slack from the growing pleasure. "Oh!"

  "Oh!" Chastity's fingers settled desperately on her clit and rubbed in a hard circle. "Oh!"

  "Oh!" Fanny clapped the other hand over her mouth as well to keep from shouting, or worse, from touching herself through her clothes in a non-masturbation-designated area. But she couldn't stop her thighs from pressing together in a pulsing rhythm.

  "Oh God!" Doumi lifted her head, let it fall back, about to come. "Oh my God!"

  "Oh gosh!" Chastity was panting now, her fingers working furiously, her breasts bucking with the building spasm in her body. "Oh my gosh!"

  "Mm mmph," said Fanny. "Mm mm mmph!"

  The camera left Doumi's face for a close up of her pulsing pussy. Her orgasmic shriek was clearly audible, but only for a split second.

  Because another louder scream filled the studio.

  Chastity's astonished wild-eyed expression changed to one of exquisite pleasure, and her young orgasm-virgin pussy started contracting for the very first time.

  Fanny's own orgasm took less than ten seconds to come on, building with each press of her thighs, crashing over her without any other stimulation at all, sweeping her with a deep burning wave that peaked into contractions timed almost perfectly with Chastity's.

  Holy shit.

  She pulled one hand from her mouth, desperate to touch herself, to push her orgasm, make it deeper, more powerful, push it to two, three, four… God, she never wanted to stop.

  She couldn't. She had to get a grip on herself. She had to take notes.

  Fanny slumped back in her iCliner, half of her afraid someone might have seen her on the video feed masturbating outside of the break room, the other half too hot and exhausted and deliciously wrung out to care.

  "Oh gosh. Oh gosh." Chastity lay panting for nearly thirty more seconds, limp and spent on the iCliner.

  Then she struggled to sit up. Shoved her hand languidly through her hair.

  "Oh wow." She giggled. Giggled again. "No, seriously, Oh wow!"

  Another few seconds spent panting. Then more giggling. And more panting.

  Fanny struggled to sit up, too.

  She couldn't.

  Chastity slowly licked her full bottom lip. She shrugged off the robe, let it pool back on the iCliner, then stroked up from her stomach and over her beautiful breasts for a high-armed stretch.

  "Hello? Anyone there? Anyone?" She twisted around curiously, one side then the other.

  Fanny was still unable to speak.

  "Yes?" B.J.'s voice came through the speakers. "Can I help you, Chastity?"

  "Oh, yes!" Chastity turned toward her voice, eyes shining, beautiful pink mouth spread in a wide smile. "I'd really like to do all that again!"

  Chapter 3

  Shay woke slowly, aware that something was terribly, terribly wrong, not sure what. Last thing he remembered clearly, he'd been watching the iScreen in his and Chastity's room at the Cosmo, and those assholes came in, some robot-looking dude and a tall, pneumatic brunette, hottest woman he'd seen since he set eyes on Chastity. He'd do her in a second.

  What happened next? Oh, yeah, the fuckers tased him, and brought him to this pussy-assed place where they injected him so full of shit he had no idea what happened after that. Just bits of memory floating around his groggy br
ain, like that time he punched some guy who tried to take his pants down. No one was going to shove anything up his ass.

  Then some stupid bitch tried to hook him up to some machine, so he called her a stupid bitch, and the stupid bitch got all bent out of shape, like he was the problem. People kept yapping about him being a womanizer. Jesus, he was getting married, wasn't he? His womanizing days were through.

  Maybe? Sorta? Pretty much?

  He snorted. Smart of him to get Chastity to take the honeymoon first, but then he was one smart dude. She'd been so anxious to escape that miserable house and her prick of a father that she would have agreed to anything. Shay had shown up to landscape around their new pool, caught sight of her and had a boner that lasted three days. For a frigid chick she was way hot.

  He yawned and rolled over, thinking again that something felt wrong, but glad he wasn't being restrained anymore. What kind of place was this? Had they shoved something up his ass while he was asleep? He was no homo, he told them that already. They better not be thinking about shoving anything up his ass. Even if they lubed it up real good and put it in ni-i-ice and slo-o-o-ow.

  Nope. No way.

  Yawning again, he sat up to look around. Even sitting up felt wrong, like he was too light or something. Fucking drugs. When he found out who gave him all that stuff he was going to kick the guy's ass across the room. And then shove something up him, see how he liked it. They probably all liked that stuff in here.

  Shay reached down to scratch his balls. He'd love to see that bitch who ordered him tased at the Cosmo begging for it. Not to brag or anything but his cock was—


  He screamed like a little girl, and felt frantically around his crotch.

  Gone! Motherfucker! His dick was gone! Balls too! It was all gone!

  Another scream, and it registered that he was literally screaming like a girl. His voice was high. Way high. For fuck's sake, what was happening? Whatever they'd given him, holy shit... this was worse than any bad trip he'd ever been on. Much worse.

  Panting with terror, he forced himself to look down.

  What the hell?

  Another scream, and he launched himself off the bed and ran in circles around the perimeter of the small room.

  Tits! God damn son of a hopping bitch with crabs! He had tits!

  By the fifth lap, he noticed a full-length mirror flashing by each time.

  No. No. God no. He did not want to see.

  He had to see.

  Closing his eyes, Shay stepped in front of the mirror, counted to ten for courage. Counted to twenty for courage. Counted to thirty, no forty, no fifty. Fifty-five and a half. For courage.

  Then he opened his eyes... and screamed like a girl.

  Because he was a girl!

  There were no curses bad enough for this occasion.

  Trembling in every pathetically scrawny muscle, he opened his eyes again, this time forcing himself to hold still and take in his reflection.

  Five minutes went by, staring at his face, his cute-as-a-button nose, big green eyes, wide pink mouth, wavy auburn hair, pert round breasts, hairless body, narrow waist, full ass, long, strong-looking legs, neatly trimmed pussy...

  Holy shit. He was hot.

  The door opened, making him nearly scream again, but he'd be damned if he was caught in front of anyone acting like a homo who wanted something shoved up—

  Except, wait. If he was a woman now... then having things shoved places wasn't gay. It was okay! It was the right thing. He could do it as much as he wanted!

  Wait, to hell with that! He was a guy! A guy who hated even the idea of anything shoved up his ass, okay?

  A man walked into the room, a tall man, even taller than Shay used to be. He was dark-skinned, like he was from India or something, a good-looking guy, dressed in one of those dumb white lab coats. Like these people were real doctors? He'd been to real doctors, he knew these were not real doctors. His doctor had never even suggested turning Shay into a woman. He probably didn't even know how.

  "Hey, Shay. I'm Rod Plunjir." He shook Shay's hand, which felt ridiculously tiny in the man's strong grasp. "I've been assigned to work with you. I imagine you have a few ques—"

  "What the hell did you people do to me?"

  "That's usually the first question, yes." He walked over and put his hand on Shay's shoulder. It was totally disconcerting having to look so far up to make eye contact, making Shay feel like he was a kid again. "We ran you through the Womanizer. But don't worry, it's only temporary."

  "Temporary!" Shay's new body sagged into relief. "Oh my God. Thank you, God."

  "You okay?" Rod caught him as his knees buckled, and picked him up as if he weighed one hundred and ten pounds (Or one hundred and seven first thing in the morning, without shoes).

  "What the hell are you doing?" Shay struggled, but he might as well have been a baby bunny. He couldn't get used to the feeling of being physically overpowered.. "Put me down!"

  "You were about to faint."

  "Faint? Jesus I was not about to faint. I am not queer. And I do not want anything shoved up my ass. I never wanted that."

  "Uh. Okay." Rod laid him gently on the bed. Immediately Shay struggled up to sitting. Just as immediately he started to pass out and had to lie down again. "Relax, Shay. Your body has been through a lot."

  "This is not my body!"

  "Shhh." Rod began stroking his hair, which actually felt really good.

  Good? A man was stroking him! What the hell! "Stop touching me!"

  "Relax." He smiled warmly down at Shay. "You and I are going to do a lot of things that involve touching."

  The thought was so intensely repulsive that Shay became furious because he had no idea what else to do.

  And yet, at the same time, why did he also feel a little excited by the idea?

  "I really don't like dudes touching me. I mean, you know, horsing around in the shower after gym class, that's okay. Or a little friendly grab ass on the football field. Or having a few too many beers and hugging it out with your bros. That's all okay. Right?"

  "Anything consensual is okay."

  "Like when you're a teenager and you and your buddies all stand in a circle and whip it out to see who comes first."

  "Perfectly natural."

  "And then, when you come first, you help them out. You know, a helping hand. Because they're your buddies."

  "Shhhh." He stroked down the length of Shay's arm. "Let me explain what's going on with you now. Your brain is still mostly yours, but your body is female."

  "No shit, Dr. Einstein."

  "And that female body will have female responses, which little by little, will take over your male brain, and eventually dominate. It's already happening, do you feel it?"

  "Oh no. There is no way I'm having sex with some guy no matter how female I... wait." A wave of desperate hope. "How do you know I'm not a gay woman? So I might still want to do chicks?"

  "No, Shay." He put his hand on Shay's stomach and rubbed in a circle. For some reason Shay was unable to get himself to make the guy stop. "You like men."

  "I do not like men!" He shot to sitting, started passing out again, and lay back down.

  "How do you know, Shay? Have you ever tried it?"

  "No! Of course not! I mean, we all experimented a little in college, right? And maybe a few years after college. And a few weeks ago. And yesterday. But I'm not gay."

  "Gay, straight, lesbian, bisexual, transgender. These are all labels for the complicated concept of identity. We are who we think we are, who we feel we are, who we know ourselves to be. Right now, you're a woman, Shay." Rod's warm strong hand dipped lower, each circle coming closer to the absence of penis between Shay's legs. To Shay's horror, that absence … that bizarre and total lack of cock and balls... started tingling. His rage, his proud manly rage, started feeling unnecessary. Because really, good communication was the key to—

  "Stop doing that. Stop it."

  "Why, Shay? Aren't you enjo
ying me touching you? I'm enjoying it. You're a very beautiful woman, you know. And sexy. I'm very attracted to you."

  "I… this is..." By now the response in his body to Rod's exploring hand was undeniable. When Rod told him he was beautiful and sexy, this sweet warmth had swelled in his chest that made him want to be closer to Rod. To be in his arms. And he couldn't stand that it suddenly seemed all of his swearing made him sound so... coarse.

  God, he was going to hurl everything he'd ever eaten.

  "What we have learned, Shay, is that you could use some help in understanding the female sexual response. And we've found in our research that the best way for a man to do this, is to become a woman himself, in body certainly, but to a certain extent also in mind."

  That was effing crazy! Except, really, it made a certain sense. And Shay shouldn't be rude and argue. This man was a doctor after all. Look at his lab coat! And so handsome.

  "But you're sure I can change back?"

  "Yes, Shay." His voice was low and gentle but authoritative.

  Shay was starting to relax and trust him.

  Rod continued in that dreamy voice. "Don't worry. As soon as you have completed your course of studies, you can change back."

  Only a small part of Shay was still male enough to thrash and rage and call all this bullshit.

  "I feel I should be angrier," Shay said.

  "Your extra reserves of testosterone are running out."

  "And now I feel like you're judging me, and I want to cry."

  "That's the estrogen kicking in."

  "Do you have any chocolate?"

  "There's some on the cart next to you."

  Shay looked at the tray, and found a chocolate covered strawberry. He immediately snatched it up and began to suck the chocolate off its bulbous tip.

  "So what course of studies are you referring to, Rod?"

  "Sexual studies."

  "Oh. With you?" He tried to say it with all the revulsion he was feeling, but he wasn't feeling any, and the words came out on a purr.

  "Yes, eventually with me." Rod smiled at him. To his horror, Shay felt himself smiling back. Rod's stroking hand was still exciting, though it hadn't landed anywhere naughty, which Shay actually appreciated, because really, he didn't know Rod well enough yet to be that intimate.