The Sexperts: Fifty Grades of Shay Read online

Page 11

  They reached the door of the Luxury Room. Fanny turned to face Peter once more.

  "I guess this is it." She shook his hand, ashamed of her freakout. "Thank you."

  "Good luck, boss."

  She turned to go, but Peter kept hold of her hand and pulled her close, so close she was nearly pressed against his stunning body.

  "You're special to me, too, Fanny," he whispered.

  "Oh, Peter..."

  "I'll be watching."

  She touched his thick blond hair, mussing it just the tiniest bit, not the way she'd always wanted to, but close. "And you? You'll be okay monitoring us?"

  He swallowed. "I... I'll be okay. You've taught me well."

  "Thank you, Peter."

  "Thank you, Fanny." For one crazy second he looked as if he was about to kiss her, then he stepped back, turned and walked toward the door marked Monitor's Entrance.

  Buoyed, and turned on by the idea of Peter watching, Fanny blew out another breath and opened the door.

  Chastity was lying on a red velvet couch in front of the fireplace, wearing the coral cashmere sweater and black slit skirt again. On her lap, sat a white Persian kitten, which she was stroking with heavily ringed hands.


  "I've been waiting for you, Fanny. Me and my pussy here."

  "So I see." Fanny approached the fireplace, holding out her suddenly cold hands to its warmth. The cat jumped off Chastity's lap and slunk out of the room.

  "You knew it would come to this." Chastity stood from the couch and sauntered closer. "We both did."

  "Yes. And so did our readers, I'm sure." Fanny turned to face her, ready for whatever she chose to dish out, ready to dish out some of her own... whatevers. Two could play at this game, after all, the grass was always greener, and the crow flew straighter than a crooked cock.

  Wait, what?

  Chastity reached her, only a few inches away now, the firelight glinting off her perfect peach skin. She slid her arms around Fanny's neck. Her breasts came to rest against Fanny's. "I've wanted this for so, so long," she whispered.

  "Uh... I've only known you one day..."

  "A day can be forever..." Her soft rosy mouth met Fanny's in a hot lingering kiss, and desire erupted. Fanny's hands wandered on their own accord, though she'd promised herself to stay passive, stroking Chastity's full unbound breasts through the thin, soft cashmere, her nipples hard and tantalizing. Then touching wasn't enough.

  "Chastity," she said breathlessly. "I want my mouth on your—"

  "Yes. Yes."

  Fanny frowned. "I haven't said what—"

  "I don't care," Chastity purred, her eyes half-closed with desire. "Do whatever it is."

  Fanny lifted Chastity's sweater, revealing her luscious mounds, then pulled the cashmere over her head, leaving Chastity bare from the waist up. The flickering fire cast a warm light over creamy, naked skin. Chastity's nipples poked straight out as if begging to be suckled and Fanny swallowed into a dry throat.

  "I love the way you look at me," Chastity cooed.

  Barely thinking, Fanny let the sweater fall to the floor and brought her hands to Chastity's waist, just below her rib cage. Taking a deep breath, she skimmed her palms upward over Chastity's silken skin until she reached the bottom curve of her breasts. She cupped them and lifted, reveling in their weight in her palms, and then lowered her mouth. She took one nipple between her lips, teasing the hard nub with her tongue, sucking, nipping ever so gently.

  Chastity gasped and moaned, her slender fingers clutching Fanny's hair, keeping her close.

  Fanny's panties were moistening. She sucked harder on Chastity's tits, one then the other, trying to remember she was a professional, that this was her job...

  But Chastity was so... perfect.

  "Wait, wait." Chastity pushed her gently away, her voice trembling. "I want to see you naked, Fanny. I want to see your body."

  Fanny nodded, grateful for the chance to collect herself. She took off her lab coat, folded it neatly and tossed it onto an overstuffed chair, reminding herself again that this was purely business, a business she was fully trained to handle.

  Off came her shoes, pants, and socks. Under control. All going well.

  Shirt off. Folded. Bra unhooked. Off.

  Cool air kissed her breasts and tightened her nipples.

  She bent over and hooked her fingers under the waistband of her panties, aware of Chastity's eyes on her, of Peter watching from the control booth.

  Fanny had taken off her clothes plenty of times in front of all sorts of people during her training. It was just part of the job. It was nothing. Really.

  She pushed the scrap of silk and elastic over her hips, down her thighs, baring the rest of her body, shaved and smooth, her clit tingling, her pussy wet.

  There. She stood naked in front of Chastity's devouring eyes, trying to remember the Quadratic equation, who won the sixty-somethingth Superbowl the previous year...

  Chastity was still looking at her as if Fanny was her next meal, breathing hard, her hand pressed to the front of her skirt where her thighs met. "I want you, Fanny! You are so beautiful!"

  Fanny gestured to Chastity's skirt. "Your turn."

  Chastity was naked so fast, Fanny barely had time to drop her arm.

  Then she stood there, taking heaving breaths that made those tremendously lovely breasts move up and down, the nipples glistening from Fanny's mouth. Below them, the trim waist, the lovely hips with the thatch of light brown hair...



  Fanny summoned Peter's faith in her, remembering that he was watching, and took charge, striding over to Chastity's trembling body and maneuvering it onto the couch. Kneeling and taking hold of the darling young knees, Fanny spread them apart, then buried her head between the pearly thighs, finding and tasting Chastity's pure sweetness, plunging her tongue up inside Chastity, circling her sensitive bud and plunging again.

  "Oh!" Chastity writhed and bucked. Fanny grabbed her delicious ass to keep her still and kept up the torture using her skill and training to drive Chastity closer and closer until she screamed and her pussy went wild with contractions under Fanny's mouth.


  Fanny let her come down, then sat up, pleased and a little smug. The best defense was a strong offense. She'd gotten the upper hand right away, established her dominance, and left Chastity panting and sated.

  Turning to the one-way mirror, Fanny gave Peter a covert wink.

  Fatal mistake.

  She was dimly aware of a body launching itself off the couch, then she found herself under it on the soft rug, Chastity kissing her everywhere. Hot wet kisses on her mouth and then her breasts, making good use of her long, soft and skillful tongue. Lapping, caressing, teasing.

  Fanny held herself rigid. She could do this. She could...

  Ohhhh noooo!

  The beautiful blond head had busied itself between her legs. That talented tongue was making her wild, licking and sucking at Fanny as if Chastity had been born for same-gender gratification. Even with only the minimum training, she had Level 5 skills, maybe even Level 6. Her small clever fingers crept up Fanny's stomach and closed around her nipple, tweaking and pinching, working it expertly.

  "Ohhhh!" Fanny lost control and came in a huge burst of ecstasy that went on and on while Chastity's tongue continued to give her pleasure.

  "Uhhhhh." She lay panting on the carpet, trying to remember her name and where she was, aware that Chastity had moved away.

  Good. It would give her more time to regroup.

  One orgasm. Granted, a Class 4, but she was still fine. Still okay. Soon she could suggest they move on to—

  A noise made her lift her head. Chastity?

  Her mouth opened to a gape.

  Good lord. Chastity had a penis.

  A big beautiful Institute regulation strap-on, Fanny's favorite model, the Turbo-Cum LGBT 2025. Fanny had been part of the focus group testing it during development. The thin
g was lethal. And the way it stuck out from between Chastity's legs, the dual vibrator boosters ready to rock...

  She was in trouble.

  "Fanny. Darling." Chastity knelt between Fanny's legs. Close up, the device was remarkably lifelike, made from a newly invented gel product that eerily mimicked human muscle and skin. "I want to be inside you."

  Fanny's pussy heated again. She wanted that too. She wanted Chastity fucking her with it, her beautiful breasts pressed against Fanny's, their mouths joined, tongues tangling together.

  She got it.

  Chastity spread Fanny's legs, then lay on top of her and slid the warm, hard dildo inside then back out, fucking Fanny like she'd had a penis her whole life, her ass bunching and releasing under Fanny's hands as she thrust. Fanny moaned and thrust back, loving the rough friction, the way the dildo filled her, and the way Chastity's body pressed against hers, breasts on breasts.

  "Chastity! Oh my god!"

  "I know. I know!" Panting, Chastity reached for the power switch for the twin vibrators, one of which would stimulate her own clitoris, one which would stimulate Fanny's.

  The motors purred to life. Fanny's eyes shot wide at the same moment Chastity's did. Their mouths opened, they lifted higher and higher until they both exploded over the edge at the same time, drowning in the tidal wave of pleasure, screaming and clutching at each other for survival, their pussies convulsing on either side of the Turbo-cum.

  There was a sudden splintering crash, making both women scream again, and whip their heads around to the Luxury Room door.

  Peter, his eyes crazed, launched himself into the room. The door hung crooked on its hinges behind him.

  "Peter!" Fanny lifted her head, then dropped it again, too weakened by her Class 5 orgasm to keep it upright. "What are you doing? You're the monitor! You can't be in here!"

  Peter gave a snarl, then a long feral growl and began tearing off his clothes. His lab coat went first, hitting the floor in a crumpled ball. Grabbing either side of his shirt, he yanked, buttons popping, baring his chest.

  The women disentangled themselves and helped each other to their feet, both staring at Peter. Fanny itched to help with those pants, but before she could, he had the zipper down and was pushing them down his thighs. His boxer briefs came next, and then he stood before them, hair tousled, eyes wild, out of control.

  Peter was stunning. His body was lean, muscled, and taut. His thick, eight-inch member stood at perfect attention, slightly curved up, its head unusually large, making Fanny's tongue sweep over her lower lip, just as when she'd first seen him in the break room.

  Chastity giggled, sending her bouncing breasts bouncing. "Group Sex!"

  As if on cue, both women rushed over and fell to their knees on either side of that beauty of a cock. Their tongues immediately began exploring, tasting, brushing against each other. Fanny couldn't help reaching under to caress Chastity's breasts, because there was no way those soft, swaying orbs should be out in the open without being stroked. Every time her tongue touched Chastity's around Peter's cock, she got a jolt of primal electricity.

  Then Chastity bent slightly and gave Peter's balls a good tongue-bath while Fanny took the honor of alternately deep-throating his cock, and swirling her tongue over the tip. His length slid in and out over her tongue, in and out, making Fanny so wet, wanting him inside her, she thought she might be dripping.

  Peter's body began to shake. His eyes were bulging, staring at the wall opposite, on which hung a huge reproduction of a Georgia O'Keefe vagi—flower.

  Fanny winked at Chastity, her mouth full of Bonebury.

  "He's gonna blow," Chastity whispered.

  Fanny nodded and pressed her lips more firmly, adding a good dose of tongue. She picked up her speed, thinking she'd never ever enjoyed sucking a cock as much as Peter's.

  "Fanny! Chastity! Wait! I'm going to— Watch out. It's— AHHHHHHHHH!"

  He pulled out of Fanny's mouth at the last second and fisted his own cock for the final climb, yelling his pleasure and coming all over the two women's breasts. As the warmth splashed Fanny, she couldn't help but squeal with delight. Then Chastity rubbed her chest against Fanny's, stroking slick nipple against slick nipple, and she and Chastity giggled and opened their mouths trying to catch the last drops on their tongues.

  It took a while for Peter's eyes to refocus.

  "Oh man." He shoved his hand through his hair which was sticking out in all directions, making him hotter than Fanny had ever seen him. "I was right."

  "Right?" Fanny asked.

  "I know the secret. You feel it too, don't you? The way you two were going at it just now?"

  "Absolutely." Chastity nodded solemnly.

  Fanny had no idea what they were talking about.

  "I want more." Peter looked back and forth between them, his cock slowly rising again. "So much more."

  "Ooooooh!" Now on her feet, Chastity jumped up and down, all smiles and eagerness and boundless, bouncing breasts. "There are some things I'm just dying to try!"

  Fanny drew back, knowing he'd want his dick in Chastity as soon as possible, not blaming him at all. A woman like that came along once in a lifetime for only a very lucky few, and he'd be a fool not to take advantage during this brief time that the institute's fraternization rules were lifted.

  "Go ahead," Fanny said.—

  "Okay." Peter turned to her and pulled her naked body close.


  Not Chastity, but her! Fanny Leuber!

  He cradled her cheek in one hand and brought his lips to hers. The kiss was warm and deep, his lips claiming, tongue stroking and teasing.

  She leaned into him, she couldn't help it, and he encircled her with his other arm, pulling her against his body. Warm skin on warm skin.

  All the orgasms Chastity had given her were wonderful, freeing, mind-blowing. But this simple kiss threatened to bring her to her knees.

  She sagged in his arms, and he pulled her tighter, held her up.

  "I've wanted to do that for so long."



  "But that's so … unprofessional."

  "I don't care. I guess you'll have to fire me, because I can't keep myself from wanting you, kissing you, touching you." To illustrate, he kissed her again. His erection flexed, hardening, pressing against her belly.

  Pulling in a shuddering breath, Fanny pulled back. "It's too…"


  "I don't know." What was she saying? She knew. Fanny was a professional, and this wasn't scientific.

  "It's personal for me, Fanny. Wanting you. It always has been personal. I can't help it, and I no longer want to."

  She wanted to tell him to stop, to keep everything at a distance, everything measured and defined, quantified and…safe. Having a crush on Peter was one thing, but this? "It's not scientific. There's no control."

  "That's the point." Peter said. "Ever wonder what I did in the break room? Before you interrupted me, that is?"

  She'd wondered all the time. "Now and then. You were watching video this morning."

  "Sometimes I watched video, like the one of you and the Schlotzky twins or the one of Chastity and you this morning. But most of the time, I'd program the Cyber Doll to look like you, Fanny."

  "Like me?"

  "Your face." He traced his fingertips over her cheek, her lips.

  Chills rose on Fanny's skin. After all the stimulation she'd gotten, this caress was so simple, not much to it, yet she could feel it to her core.

  "Your breasts." He cupped one breast, teasing the nipple with his fingers, then he lowered his head, swirled his tongue around the hard nub and took it into his mouth and sucked.

  Fanny could feel an orgasm building, strong and sure, threatening to sweep her away.

  Just when she thought she might lose all sanity, he raised his head.

  "Your ass." He skimmed his palm down her side, around her back. Cupping a buttock, he kneaded her, working his fingers toward her

  Fanny never decided to spread her thighs, but they seemed to open on their own. A moan built deep in her chest.

  He slipped his index finger inside, just the tip, but Fanny gasped, moving closer to him. His erection, once again full-on hard, jutted against her pubic mound.

  "Your pussy." Keeping the one finger in place, he moved his other three, exploring, then slipping them all inside, stretching her.

  "Ahh-haa." Fanny called out.

  Peter continued talking while he moved his hand. "But as much fun as the Cyber Doll was, Fanny, it wasn't you. I wanted the real you."

  He kissed her again, deep and very personal, his whole body moving with the kiss like a dancer feeling the music.

  Fanny felt weak and strong, turned on and confused. Unable to form words, she made a questioning sound in her throat.

  Peter removed his hand—an action she was truly sorry about—and leaned back to look into her eyes. "Couldn't you tell how I felt? Couldn't you see it every time we were together?"

  Fanny shook her head. "Honestly? Until Chastity arrived, you seemed so … cool and collected. I wasn't sure you felt anything."

  "Chastity changed a lot around here."

  "Yes." Fanny waited for him to move away, to go to Chastity. As much as she wanted his lips on hers, his fingers inside her, she had to admit watching him fuck Chastity didn't make her feel jealous. Instead, it would be a relief. She could catch her breath, compose herself. Right now she felt dangerously off balance.

  "Chastity is amazing, Peter. You owe it to yourself to experience her. Teach her. Learn from her. Where is she anyway?"

  "I think she left."

  "Left?" The whole reason for them to be in this unscientific, personal position was to teach Chastity. "Maybe we should find her."

  "Not now," Peter said. "Now I'm too busy finding you."

  Fanny might have melted a little on that one. She certainly felt hot enough. And with Peter's cock pressing into her and the sensation of his fingers so fresh…

  She had to get her mind together. "But, Peter …"

  "I think I figured it out. The source of her power."


  "Chastity's power. I know where it comes from."


  "Sex is science, but I think it's a mistake to think we can control it."