The Sexperts: Fifty Grades of Shay Read online

Page 7

  It went on and on. Just as he thought he couldn't handle any more, another spasm gripped him. He wanted to stop. Needed to stop. But Rod kept moving his finger, each swirl bringing on another gasp, another scream, until Shay wanted to beg for mercy, if only he could get the words out.

  "Oh, Rod!"

  Inevitably Shay came down, sated, blissful, his heart full of the intimacy they'd just shared.

  Coming as a woman was fantastic! Incredible! Mind blowing! Totally worth the work. Except...

  "What about you, Rod? I want you to come again."

  "Don't worry about me. I'll get another chance." Rod smiled into his eyes, kissed him tenderly. "We're going to try one more thing today."

  "We are?" Shay was already feeling excitement re-building. This man was so hot! So sweet! So wonderful! "What?"

  "You'll see." He lifted out of Shay, his still-hard cock shiny with Shay's shando juice. "Turn over, my sweet Shay."

  "Oh!" Shay was already on his hands and knees, anxious to be filled again. "Doggie style!"

  "Not exactly." Rod was over by the picnic basket, his dark skin glistening in the sunlight. He was so beautiful. Shay's heart turned over. After this he wanted to lie in Rod's arms all afternoon. All night.

  Something else drifted down from the tree, a clear plastic bottle. Rod picked it up. The label read Astroglide.

  A lightbulb went off.

  Rod was going to shove something up Shay's ass.

  "Rod. Wait. I'm not sure about this." He sat up on his haunches. "I don't think I can do that."

  "Oh, sweetheart." Rod came back and sat behind him, started giving Shay a leisurely backrub, occasionally reaching around to stroke his fantastic breasts, which felt so good under Rod's warm fingers. "I won't make you do anything you don't want to. But I think you will really like this. And... well, the way I feel about you, it's important to me that you try."

  "How do you feel about me, Rod?" Shay held his breath. It seemed as if the whole world would end if Rod didn't give him the answer he wanted.

  "I'm falling for you."

  "Oh!" He would ignore as inconvenient the fact that they'd known each other only for a few hours. "I'm falling for you too."

  "Please, Shay."

  He kissed the side of Shay's neck, which felt better than anything had ever felt. Before this, he would have thought nothing beat a good dump after Mexican food.

  Being a woman was opening up such a different world to him!

  "For you, Rod." He started to get back on his hands and knees, but Rod kept him up, continuing to massage him. Only when Shay's body was totally relaxed did Rod push him gently forward. A pillow dropped out of the tree, the perfect size and shape to fit under Shay's hips so he was comfortably resting on his knees and forearms, ass in the air.

  Um. He still wasn't sure about this, but more nervous now than repulsed. "Rod..."

  "You're fine. Such a sweet, sweet ass." Rod was massaging his bottom now, first one cheek, then the other, working his way closer to the center.

  "I don't know, Rod." Shay sounded like a terrified little girl.

  "Mmm, Shay, it's going to feel so good. Trust me." The bottle of Astroglide let out a puff of air when it opened. "Give me your hand. Feel this before I use it on you."

  He held out a blob of the clear gel, which was extraordinarily slippery on Shay's fingers. "It will help get you ready for me, my love."

  His love!

  Shay's heart soared with joy. No matter how awful this was, he'd bear it for Rod.

  His love.

  Rod's finger surprised him between his cheeks, the gel slightly chilly, making a slippery circle on his...

  Oh no. There was no good word for that either. "Asshole" was so crass, and "rectum" and "anus" so science-lab. How about... bunda.


  Rod's finger suddenly pushed against his bunda with more force, then slipped easily up inside, then out again, then back in.

  At first the intrusion was unwelcome, as if he had to poo and couldn't quite get it going. But the deeper Rod's finger went, the less it felt that way, and an entirely new response took over. This was exciting. Naughty. Definitely sexual.

  And then as he heard the slippery sound of Rod lubing up his erection, Shay nearly panicked. A finger, okay, but that thick beautiful cock was at least four times bigger around...

  "We'll take it slowly, my darling." Rod's hand—his clean hand, thank you, Rod—landed on Shay's lower back, massaging in a firm circle. Then his finger pushed in again, farther, rhythmically in and out until Shay was so horny once again that he thought he could try.

  He got his wish. The head of Rod's cock pushed his bunda, then slid slowly inside, farther and farther, filling Shay so full he wasn't sure what to feel or what to do.

  "Oh my God, Shay, you are so hot and so tight," Rod panted. "I'm not going to last."

  Then Shay was sure what to do. He pushed back and let the cock have his bunda, let it push and pull out, while he fingered his clitoris, clumsy at first, then with quick, efficient strokes as he discovered what felt best.

  "Shay, God, your ass is so sweet. I can't hold back. I'm going to come!" Rod's body heaved behind him; he shouted and grabbed Shay's hips. Shay rubbed himself furiously, feeling Rod's cock emptying itself into his bunda in violent, passionate bursts.

  The sensation was so fantastic, it pushed him over. He heard himself scream, felt his shando contracting so powerfully it pushed Rod out of him.

  They collapsed together, panting, laughing in a sort of awe, then kissing and kissing, as birds chirped in their tree, which thoughtfully dispensed hot towels laced with sanitizer that was 99.9% effective against e-coli bacteria.

  And after they'd wiped and sanitized and wrapped themselves up in each other again, Rod's head pillowed on Shay's really magnificent breasts, it came to Shay with utter certainty that if it meant he could no longer be with Rod, he never wanted to be a man again.

  Chapter 7

  "Peter." Fanny got up, gesturing Peter into the iCliner in front of her office desk. "Thanks for coming in. We have a problem."

  "Oh no." Peter stopped halfway to the chair. "Chastity took out another instructor?"

  "I hope not. She's in same-gender now. You heard about Boris?"

  "Yes." Peter gave a silent whistle and settled himself into the iCliner. "She's going to run us out of business, or at least out of instructors. It's as if she has sexual super powers or something. She turns everyone around her to putty that she can bend and shape at her whim."

  Fanny's face heated at the thought of Peter masturbating in front of her. Turns everyone to putty, indeed. Maybe lack of professionalism had nothing to do with their little indiscretion in the break room. Maybe they were helpless under Chastity's influence.

  And maybe she was looking for an excuse to do it again, take it farther this time.

  Fanny looked at the ceiling for a few seconds and thought about filing her taxes. Nothing worked like IRS fantasies to dry a girl up.

  Back to business, Fanny perched on the edge of her desk, holding out her iBoard so Peter could see the headline. "Chastity isn't the one I'm worried about. Look at this. Dick Ouad has won the support of Vera Badlei at The Purity Foundation. They're putting enormous public pressure on Mayor Lastalnacht and Governor Flayscho to shut us down. They've dug up some antiquated law they say will prove our organization isn't legal."

  "Oh come on." Peter waved dismissively. "Dick's tried that crap plenty of times."

  "Not with the Purity Foundation's money and influence behind him." Fanny tossed the iBoard onto her desk in disgust, her desire for Peter quashed by her outrage at the current tax rate, and all the Badleis and Dick Ouads in the world. "This morning the Foundation sent over a crew to inspect us."

  "Inspect us!" Peter jumped to his feet, towering over her desk. A strand of his hair actually bounced. He must be really upset. "On whose authority?"

  "None, of course. I refused them entrance. They accused me of discrimination and said
they'd be back with a lawyer."


  "I called them morons. They said I was discriminating against the less intelligent. Then they got confused because none of them knew how to spell moron."

  "Those morons." Peter started pacing, eyes lit, fists clenched.

  And despite her resolve, Fanny's exhausted pussy reacted. God, he was magnificent pissed off. She should go home tonight and come up with 365 ways to infuriate him.

  No, no, what was she thinking?

  "There must be something we can do." Peter said. "The Governor is on our side."

  "Flayscho is up for re-election next year. If public tide swings against us, we can't be sure he'll come through for us."

  "Damn it, he was one of our biggest success stories!" Peter thrust his hand through his hair.

  Fanny watched hopefully, then sighed, a little relieved, as every strand fell back into perfect alignment. The last thing her tenuous self control needed was for him to start looking outraged and mussed.

  "I guess now that he's able to make his wife and mistress and his one-night girlfriends come several times in an hour he thinks he doesn't need us anymore."

  "Memories are short, Peter. As is gratitude."

  "We need to bring Dick down." Peter pounded a fist into his palm. "So far down that he can't get back up."

  "I know. But how?" Fanny slid off her desk. "Mayor Lastalnacht's campaign people have gone through everything. Ouad's past is squeaky clean. No drugs, no infidelity, no alcohol, no financial misconduct, nothing. If he had any current sexual weakness we would have found it. How many have we sent to test him?"

  "Three. Bobbi, Billy and Brad—female, gay, bi-curious. Nothing. They couldn't get past him talking about himself and preaching against sin. And they're our best."

  "Could he be... you know..." Fanny cringed. She hated even saying the word. "Asexual?"

  "Ugh." Peter shuddered in horror. "It's possible. We'd have no power against him then. There would have to be another way."

  Fanny tapped her finger against her chin. This was the most serious threat to the Institute so far. A decade earlier, the Purity Foundation had gone out of its way to make building their complex difficult. Several suspicious fires and construction "accidents" had delayed its opening. The Institute had taken a live-and-let-live approach, though Fanny once anonymously sent Institute-made calendars to all Purity Foundation execs for the holidays. Only sharp eyes could spot the erect penis in every picture. December was her favorite. Who knew that Santa—

  "Fanny." B.J.'s voice on the iCom, accompanied by what sounded like crunching. Fanny had seen her earlier with a huge cucumber from her garden. She must still be working on it.

  "Right here, B.J."

  "Chastity would like to speak with you. In person. Luxury Room."

  "But she's still in same-gender." Fanny cringed. "Oh God. Is Bubbles okay?"

  "She's fine."

  "Thank goodness." Fanny exchanged relieved glances with Peter and gave him a thumbs-up. "I'll be right over."

  "Bubbles made it through?"

  "So B.J. said." Fanny stood. She'd been supposed to monitor Chastity's same-gender class, but if she came any more today, her clitoris would be in danger of falling off. Watching Chastity's tongue between another woman's legs... "I better go see what Chastity wants."

  "Be careful." His tone was so serious she turned to gawp at him.

  "Say what?"

  "I know what she wants." His face tightened. "She wants you."

  Fanny burst out laughing. "Chastity? She wants everyone. She's an allsexual."

  "No." Peter strode across the room, took her shoulders in his powerful hands, the first time she could ever remember him touching her like that. She stood stiffly, afraid of betraying her reaction. "It's more than that. And I'm afraid if Chastity ever has you..."

  That she'd take me from you? That I'd be lost to you forever? Dammit, man, finish the sentence!

  Peter frowned. "It's just, she has super powers, I tell you. The woman is dangerous."

  Fanny frowned as well. Lots of frowning going on in a place where orgasms were happening every few seconds.

  "Keep your focus on Ouad, Peter." She clapped him on his rock-hard shoulder. "The Institute's future depends on us finding a way to keep Dick from forcing his way in and pissing on everything we stand for."

  Peter nodded. "You can count on me, Fanny."

  "Thanks. I'll be back soon." She was out the door before his muttered response registered.

  "I hope so."

  At the door of the Luxury Room she met Bubbles, a stunning Swede dressed in a French maid's outfit, holding a feather duster. "Bubbles, what happened?"

  Bubbles shrugged. "She wouldn't do anything."

  Fanny blinked. "Whah? Chastity?"

  "She didn't want me." A tear formed in Bubble's eye and made its way down her golden cheek. "I walked in and saw her, and... well, I thought I could finally believe absolutely that there was a God and a heaven. And then she didn't want me."

  "I'm sure she—"

  "No. It's true. She didn't want Desiree or Tawny either. They're both in staff therapy with Dr. Carol. I'm on my way there now."

  "How strange." Fanny bit her lip, frowning. "She specifically selected this course. And she seemed really excited about it."

  Bubbles choked down a sob.

  "Sorry, go on ahead, Bubbles. Tell Desiree and Tawny I'll stop by later to see how they're doing."

  "Okay..." She fled down the corridor toward the moving walkway in a rush of tears.

  Very strange. Fanny pushed open the door to the dimly lit and very elegant Luxury Room, her favorite. Sometimes at the end of a long day she came here and curled up in one of the overstuffed chairs in front of the fire with a glass of champagne.

  "Oh, Fanny." Chastity looked over from the window onto a city and ocean view, not seeming at all in distress. She was wearing a tight coral sweater top that looked like cashmere, and a black knee-length skirt with a side slit up to her hip. "I'm so glad you're here."

  Fanny swallowed. She was so young. So lovely. "Hi, Chastity? What's up?"

  "Well..." She wandered slowly toward the fireplace. "I wanted to see you."

  Fanny was torn between the very important things she had to worry about—the new threat from Dick Ouad, Peter's … well, peter, and where they were going to get more staff—and the mesmerizing sight of Chastity's stunning face glowing in the firelight in this wonderful, relaxing room. "Is there a problem?"

  "Yes, actually." She looked adorably vulnerable, her eyes downcast, her beautiful feet bare, her nipples pushing out the fuzzy fine knit of the cashmere.

  Fanny made herself keep breathing. "You're having a problem with same-gender?"

  "Yes." Chastity walked toward her, hips swaying hypnotically, the wide neckline of her sweater nearly baring her shoulders. "I do have a problem with same-gender."

  "You can't manage it?" Fanny patted the soft shoulder, her fingers wanting to linger on the exquisite material and the tease of skin. The room was warm and comforting, smelling of roses. The lush tones of a saxophone played on the sound system. "Don't worry, a lot of women think they can, and then when it comes right down to—"

  "It's not that." She twisted her fingers together, looking down at the ground between them. "I just didn't like those women."

  "Really." Fanny was surprised. Bubbles, Tawny and Desiree couldn't be more different from each other. Blonde, brunette, redhead, thin, average, voluptuous. She'd have thought one combination was bound to appeal, especially to someone as sexual as Chastity. "Did you want to try again?"

  "Oh, yes." Her face lit; she nodded, lips parting in a hopeful smile.

  "Okay. I can call B.J. and she can show you pictures of our other—"

  "Oh no." Chastity shook her head emphatically. "I don't want that."

  Uh-oh. Fanny's mind had been stuck on Ouad and Peter, and she'd missed all the obvious cues.

  Fanny knew exactly what Chastity wa
nted. Because she wanted the same thing.

  Fanny also noticed Chastity wasn't wearing a bra, that her breasts swayed gently under the cashmere, that the high slit in her skirt showed no signs of underwear.

  "Uh… well… I…"

  Chastity raised her head. Her blue eyes met Fanny's in a way that seemed significant, as if she was trying to communicate without words. "Oh, Fanny. I thought maybe—"

  Fanny's incoming text signal went off. Peter.

  Come back to your office ASAP.

  Had he figured out a solution to their sticky Ouad problem? "Chastity, I'm sorry I have to get back to work."

  "Wait, why? I finally got up my courage to—" Chastity's face crumpled. A tear gathered in the corner of her eye, piercing Fanny's heart. But if she stayed and had sex with Chastity, Fanny knew she could be destroyed like so many of her co-workers. And she couldn't allow that with so much going on.

  "I'm uh, needed in the— in the... that place," she got out.

  Chastity tipped her head to one side curiously, blond hair swinging away from her pale smooth neck, skin that begged to be tasted. "What place?"

  "The place that needs me... place."

  Chastity stepped closer, reached on tiptoe to whisper in Fanny's ear. "Do they need you more than I do?"


  No. Fanny had to think clearly. "We have a crisis situation here, Chastity. I can't abandon my duties."

  Chastity stepped back, but caught Fanny's hand in hers and pressed it against her chest. "Let me help you."

  "Help. You. Can't." Fanny clenched her jaw, trying to pretend she didn't have cashmere and breast in contact with her hand. If she acknowledged either one of those sensations, her brain would completely short-circuit and she'd be unable to function at any level. Maybe Peter was right. Maybe Chastity did have sexual super—

  Wait! Wait! Fanny jerked her hand away. She had it!

  "What is it?" Chastity's eyes widened in alarm. "What's the matter?"

  "Chastity." Fran gathered both of Chastity's hands in hers. "The Institute is facing a grave crisis. If you would do something for me, I promise, I will..."