The Sexperts: Fifty Grades of Shay Read online

Page 4

  Wait… what?

  With all his willpower, Shay summoned his real self, with its simple, predicable logic and easy black-and-white decisions. He had to get out of here. He had to get this gay boy Rod to stop touching him. It was making him completely insane. Soon he'd want something shoved up his ass!

  Then again, if it was well-lubed and with a patient partner who respected and cared for him…

  Shay reached for more chocolate. It had never tasted this good when he was a dude.

  "So." Rod finally, finally took his hand off of Shay. "We'll begin as soon as you're ready."

  "Oh..." Shay glanced around the room. "I'd like to shower first, would that be okay?"

  Shower? Would that be okay? Jesus. People were going to pay for this.

  "I'll have B.J. bring in a robe and shampoo. What kind do you like?" He picked up a strand of Shay's long hair and smelled deeply. "Mmmm, nice. I'm guessing cucumber mango?"

  "Exactly." Shay grinned, and then he went completely around the bend, because a voice in his head was gleefully thinking, Wow, he noticed! What a super nice guy! I could totally have sex with him! "I need an extra moisturizing shampoo. And I love a good citrus body wash. And one of those net puffs for scrubbing, please."

  "Coming up." Eyes warm, Rod leaned in close. "I'll be waiting for you, Shay."

  "Okay." Shay ducked his head coyly. "Thanks, Rod."

  The second the door closed behind Rod, Shay tensed, waiting. Would the spell lift?

  He tried to swear real good.

  Brothertrucker rockmucker!

  No! No use! And he should have tried to swear "really well."

  His lame-assed female self took a luxurious shower, about three times as long as his usual, and then did this whole stupid routine of greasing up with this cream and that lotion, and putting on all this face crap that should not even exist.

  The worst part of it?

  It all made sense. Because Rod would be touching his skin, so it should feel soft to him. Rod would be licking his pussy, so it should smell fresh to him. And Rod shouldn't feel sharp toenails or any roughness in his heels.

  Jeez. He never thought about any of that stuff when he was a man.

  He did, however, totally get off on soaping his awesome tits and feeling around the contours of this mysterious void between his legs, though he learned one very important lesson: All soap must come off the finger before sticking it up his cu— No, his vagina. He hated that C-word now.

  Back in the room, smelling like some total pansy, wrapped in this soft silky robe that felt fabulous sliding over his nipples, he sat down on the coral—or was it salmon?—iCliner, arranging himself attractively, remembering how pretty Chastity looked the first time they made love, understanding now how hard she worked to look that way for him.

  The door opened. Shay smiled shyly.

  It wasn't Rod.

  It was some other guy, white-skinned, kind of thuggish looking. Really built, though.

  "Who are you?" Shay clutched the robe tighter.

  "Willy Fallis. How you doin'?" The guy looked Shay up and down like he was a piece of meat or something, which made Shay uncomfortable.

  "Where is Rod?"

  "He's not up now. I am."

  Shay frowned. "What do you mean up?"

  The guy dropped his pants around his knees and waved one of the most impressive erections Shay had ever seen. "Whadya think, baby?"

  That part of him was enormous. Shay couldn't quite imagine how it would fit into the little hole in his body that seemed to squeeze even the one finger he shoved up it. He might be hot, but that whole wagging and boasting thing was a big turnoff.

  "It's, uh, impressive. My name is Shay, not baby."

  Willy rocked his hips back and forth so his dick and balls swung up and back. "You ready for the Cock Ness Monster, baby?"

  Oh, for God's sake. What a dork! What a complete—

  Wait. Shay shifted uncomfortably on the iCliner. Why was this scenario oddly familiar? Had they made Shay do this guy before, when they'd first drugged him, when he was a man? He better not have shoved anyth—

  "Let's do this." Willy pulled off his shirt, stepped out of his jeans, and moved toward Shay's iCliner, muscles bulging in his arms, his abs a rock-hard washboard. Like Shay's used to be.

  Shay held himself still, waiting for the rush of wild horniness to hit him, like back when he was a man looking at a naked woman.

  But he really didn't feel anything. For some reason, the sight of Willy and his big willy was not turning his woman-self on. He'd been more aroused by Rod's hand innocently circling his stomach.

  "Willy, I'm not sure I want to do this."

  "Let me tell you two reasons why you do. First, I'm the hottest lay you'll ever have." Willy stood grinning between Shay's thighs, then pushed some button on the chair that raised the iCliner until Shay's pussy was at the same height as Willy's Washington Monument. "Second, you don't fuck me, you don't get a passing grade, you don't graduate, and you don't get to be a man again."

  Not much of a choice there.

  "Well, okay." Shay was admittedly a little curious. Even though the sight of Willy's beautiful body hadn't done much for him, for sure he'd go wild when he felt a cock inside.

  "Let's do this, baby." Willy yanked down Shay's robe, leaving him vulnerable and too wide open, not ready for that much yet. He grabbed roughly at Shay's breasts, twisting his nipples. "You have awesome tits."

  "Thanks." But he really didn't feel thankful. It seemed more like an insult than a compliment.

  "You like it rough?"

  "I… don't know. Maybe we should take it slow."

  "Trust me, you will when it's me." He grabbed between Shay's legs, started rubbing his clit vigorously. Shay waited for the excitement, the response.

  Not much of anything. Just friction. And a bit irritating at that.

  "Oh baby, you are so wet. You are so ready for me." He leaned forward and thrust his tongue into Shay's mouth, clawing at his hair, all the while pushing the head of his dick in between the lips of Shay's vagina, which didn't seem to want to let him in. Was it too big?

  His female brain supplied the answer. He was not wet enough. Not nearly ready.

  After a lot of grunting, and some pretty darn rude comments implying the tough entry was Shay's fault—hello? Ever heard of foreplay?—Willy was all the way inside. The intrusion felt a lot more... personal than Shay expected. Not that sexy. He'd expected to be halfway to coming by now, the way he was as a man when he'd shoved himself into a woman.

  "Oh baby, you are so tight. So hot. Like a virgin pussy." Willy started pumping hard and fast, making the chair rock off one leg and bump down, which seemed to excite him so he pushed even harder.

  Shay was perplexed. When would he want to start oh-ing and moaning and yelling as if he were coming over and over again like the chicks did in the movies he found online? He felt a low-grade arousal. The sensation was pleasant enough, but... nothing was happening. Was he frigid as a woman? Like poor Chastity? He sure wasn't as a guy, he could come all over the place.

  "Oh God. Oh God." Willy pumped harder, making Shay's body jolt up and down. "Here comes my hot cum, baby."

  Shay rolled his eyes. Honestly. Semen was plain old warm, and that was all. Guys loved acting like the stuff would burn whatever it touched.

  Um... including Shay, when he was male.

  Willy kept banging away. Still no pleasure, not the slightest increase in arousal. "Ahhhhhhhhhh! Oh God, ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

  Shut. Up! The noise was embarrassing.

  "Oh baby, your pussy is so hot, give it to me, ohhhhhhhhhhhhh"

  Hurry up and finish, already. Drop Dead Diva is on Lifetime in five minutes.

  "Oh, oh, oh, oh, God, oh, God..." Willy's thrusts became convulsive, triple speed, which should have been totally sexy, but it just felt bumpy and ridiculous. "AAAAAAAHHHHHH! I'M COMING, I'M COMING, AHHHHH!"

  Shay rolled his eyes. Yeah, no kidding.

  "Wow." Wi
lly was panting into Shay's neck. "Wow. Baby, that was incredible."

  No, it really wasn't.

  But maybe now that Willy was finished, he could do something for Shay. Maybe lie down with him? They could touch each other and maybe talk a little before they tried again? Maybe if they were more comfortable with each other first...

  "Damn that was good." Willy pulled out, his cock still half-erect, frosted with cum.

  Shay wanted to tell Willy it had been the worst sex of his life, but again something was stopping him. For one thing, he didn't want to hurt Willy's feelings.

  Fear iced Shay's chest. Had women ever done that to him? Not told him when they hadn't enjoyed it? Was Chastity not frigid after all?

  Were all women like that? Frigid? Not able to come? Never enjoying sex? Did they all just have to go along and fake it? This was awful. Being a woman sucked!

  "Was that great or what?" Willy grabbed up Shay's pretty robe and used it to wipe off his dick.

  Shay barely managed not to scold him. He felt empty, humiliated. He wanted to be stroked and held and made to feel special.

  He wanted Rod.

  Chapter 4

  "Hi, Chastity."

  Fanny entered Instruction Room 37 where Chastity sat relaxing in an upright iCliner. She'd just completed Intercourse 101, required for all beginner students at the Institute, a basic guide to heterosexual sex, which focused on positional variants and oral stimulation. Chastity had passed with flying colors, being one of the most skilled fellaters Fanny had ever seen. Unfortunately, they'd had to use three male instructors because they kept having to be carried off to the infirmary, babbling and disoriented, having come so many times—some before Chastity could properly insert their dicks into her mouth.

  "Oh, hi Fanny." Chastity pulled the robe over her bare thighs.

  Fanny flushed, feeling the heat pooling between her legs . "How are you feeling?"

  "Wonderful!" Chastity beamed. "I'm not frigid! And I love sex!"

  "It's great news. You must be very pleased."

  "Oh yes!" Her smile faded. "But is Shay doing okay?"

  "He's doing wonderfully." From what Peter had reported, it seemed Shay was adapting faster than most to transitioning gender, and that he'd easily passed his first test with Willy, who apparently had done an eerily accurate Shay impression after watching the honeymoon tape Chastity had passed along.

  Fanny sat opposite Chastity, trying not to think about her perfect hourglass body and pale smooth skin, or how she'd looked during her coursework when she'd come three times.

  Fanny tilted her hips forward, moving against the chair. She caught herself before it went too far.

  What was it with this woman? Before this, the only person who'd made Fanny this hot was Peter. And even then, she'd been able to keep herself contained.

  Thoughts of Peter doing nothing to help cool her, she focused on Chastity's iChart and tried to get her mind back on science.

  "Oh, I'm so glad Shay's doing okay. He's such a sweet guy."

  Fanny maintained a neutral expression, completely unable to agree. "So, Chastity, now that we've established that you're not frigid and you've completed the basic course, we'd like to open you up to sexual possibilities so that when you and Shay are back together, you can explore activities and roles you both enjoy."

  "Okay." She nodded eagerly. "This is so fun. I like orgasms."

  Fanny grinned. Chastity was so young, with so much good fucking ahead of her. "They're pretty great, aren't they?"

  "Oh yes. I had no idea or I would have had a whole lot before this." Her lovely forehead wrinkled into a frown; her rosy lips pouted. "Do you think I will end up liking sex with Shay, too?"

  "I think it's a good bet you will. He's learning a lot about what women like and don't like."

  "Oh." Chastity pressed a hand to her chest, pushing the silk robe tight against her full breasts and prominently erect nipples.

  Fanny tried not to stare.

  "I'm so relieved!" Chastity said, giving a few little hops that rendered the whole not staring thing impossible. "I want us to be good together."

  "Yes. So…" Fanny turned abruptly and pointed her iPointer at the iScreen to bring up the Institute's course catalog, choosing Beginner Level. "Having completed Intercourse 101, earning an impressive A plus-plus, you can now choose from three sexual electives: Bondage and S&M, Same-Gender, and Group Sex."

  "Oooh." Chastity caught her lower lip in her teeth as she studied the list. Her nipples ripened even more under the robe. "Can I do them all?"

  "Huhh—" Fanny caught herself and faked a sneeze. "—choo. Excuse me. Yes, absolutely, you can."

  "I'll start with BDSM, please." She wrinkled her nose. "It sounds kinky-licious."

  "Fine." Fanny nodded approvingly. BDSM would be ideal because Boris taught it and Boris could control his pleasure all night long and often did. He'd be able to keep it together with Chastity.

  "I want to know everything." Chastity turned her wide blue eyes on Fanny. "You know Daddy kept me practically locked up. I wasn't allowed to leave the ranch property. No Internet, only public TV, I was like a prisoner."

  "Why did he do that?"

  "He was paranoid." She pouted, crossing her arms over her marvelous chest, pushing her breasts even higher until they were about to burst from her robe. "Too much fame during his life, he wanted me protected from it. You've probably heard of him, Chester McChester?"

  Of course Fanny had heard of him. Her mom was madly in love with the guy for years, went to every one of his movies. At the height of his career, McChester's wife had died, and shortly after, he retired to Montana and had barely been heard from since. When Mr. Seimann had said Chastity was from a prominent family, he wasn't kidding. "The movie actor?"

  "Yes, that's him. He probably did what he thought was right, but now that I'm free, I want to live." She threw open her arms. The robe fell open and slipped off one shoulder, then the other. Her nipples caught and held the material for one, two, three agonizing seconds, then let it go. "I want to know and do everything."

  Fanny closed her eyes, but it didn't help. She so wanted to put her hands, her mouth, on those breasts. She was going to...

  "Fanny?" A hand landed on her thigh. "Are you okay?"

  "Oh yah. You betcha." She kept her eyes closed. Chastity's fingers were warm through her uniform, making her hotter by the second. Just a few inches, and she could slip her fingers …

  "Oh, Fanny," Chastity breathed. "I wish I was as pretty as you are."

  Fanny's eyes shot open to find the most perfect woman on earth studying her wistfully. "Are you kidding me?"

  "No." Chastity gathered the silk over her naked breasts, leaving her shoulders bare. "You're one of the sexiest and most beautiful women I've ever seen."

  "Oh. Thank. Sweet. Very. You." Fanny struggled for breath, relieved when the slender fingers left her thigh, trying to ignore the residual heat in her pussy and the buzzing in her head, not to mention the fact that she thought she might be soaking through her panties.

  "I don't see how you can work here," Chastity said. "I mean, I'd be horny all the time. You're such a pro."

  "That's me," Fanny said, involuntarily squeezing her Kegel muscles and shuddering. "Fanny the pro."

  "I mean, I'd get so turned on watching people have orgasms all day long. You must have had a lot of training."

  "Yep. Lots."

  "Do you ever work directly with the students here? I mean, will I get to go down on you? Or you on me? Maybe in the same-gender class?"

  "Possible, anything is."

  Jesus, I've become a horny, female Yoda.

  Before Chastity she'd been firmly hetero and fine with that. Now? She imagined her tongue swirling around Chastity's clitoris, fingers sliding up inside her young pussy, feeling the slick pressure of Chastity's vaginal walls contracting as she came.

  None of this was fitting for a woman of science.

  "We'll be starting your electives as soon as you're rea
dy. Would you like to rest a bit longer? It's only been a few minutes since—"

  "Oh, no, no rest." Chastity shook her head vigorously, spun-gold hair swirling around her face. "I'm ready now. For all of it. I want to see how many times I can come in one day."

  Fanny's throat felt dry.

  God help her.

  She was never going to survive Chastity's electives.

  "I have to go," She managed, then bolted from the room, practically ran through the control room, down the elevator, and dove into the break room—

  And realized she wasn't alone.

  Peter turned to stare at her, eyes wide, mouth open. He was naked from the waist down, his pants tangled around his ankles. In one hand he held an iScreen, in the other, his generous, rock hard cock.

  Fanny should apologize. She should turn around. She should walk to the door and leave.

  But she wanted to touch him. She wanted to take him into her mouth. She wanted to bend over the closest iCliner and have him plunder her from behind.

  Instead of doing any of it, she just stared.

  Peter recovered first, but where Fanny would expect him to turn red or say something or pull up his pants, he did none of those things. He merely resumed his stroking, only this time he wasn't watching the iScreen. This time his eyes were focused on her.

  He moved his hand toward his fat glans, pulling, making his shaft even longer. His neatly hairless balls lifted, the skin taught. Then reaching the tip, he reversed direction, his cock surging, straining through his encircling fingers.

  Fanny watched stroke after stroke, his rhythm growing faster. Heat pooled between her legs, moisture soaking through her panties. Her fingertips tingled as she imagined her hand in place of his. Her tongue running up his underside and swirling around the ridge, teasing him, tasting him.

  She wanted to take off her clothes, or at least shove her hand down her pants and touch herself, but that would certainly cross the no fraternization at work rule, wouldn't it? A subversion of the scientific principals Seimann was founded on?

  She drew in a quivering breath, but couldn't force herself to look away.