The Sexperts: Fifty Grades of Shay Read online

Page 5

  His hand closed into a fist, moving faster and faster. His body shuddered and, still staring deep into her eyes, a moan built in his chest.

  The sound crescendoed, then exploded just as he did. And without any stimulation at all, an orgasm seized Fanny as well, taking her by surprise. Her knees went weak, and she stumbled back against the door, then just leaned there as the wave crashed through her.

  She wasn't sure how much time had passed before either one moved.

  Peter wiped himself off and dressed. Then he turned back to face her. "I'm sorry about that."

  "W-w-why?" Fanny managed to say.

  "It wasn't professional."

  "I should be the one apologizing. I walked in on you."

  "But I couldn't stop. I didn't want to stop. I liked showing you my cock, having you stare and lick your lips."

  She brought her fingers to her mouth. Had she licked her lips?

  "I'll understand if you want to write me up for it."

  She shook her head. "No, no need."

  "But the Seimann Institute rule—"

  "Technically, we were never touching. I wasn't even undressed."

  "But what we were doing, it wasn't scientific."

  "I was observing."

  "But it was personal."



  She wasn't sure if she was imagining it or not, but she could swear he looked a little crestfallen.

  "Of course not. I was studying your technique. Learning from you."

  "Learning from me?"

  She nodded. "I learned a lot." Like what his impressive bulge looked like naked. The sounds he made when he came. One of the ways he used the break room.

  Exactly how much she wanted that gorgeous cock in her mouth.

  Despite the fact that Peter's hair was still perfectly in place, he looked a little lost. "I'm glad it was … instructional. Well, I'd better get back and see how Shay is doing."

  Fanny nodded, though how she was keeping herself together at this point, she wasn't sure. "And I have to monitor Chastity in the bondage room."

  And now she'd have even more trouble holding herself together, no doubt, now that she'd also be picturing Peter's peter.

  Matching her nod, Peter left the room. But before Fanny followed, she spotted the iScreen he'd been viewing when she'd walked in. She picked up the device and swiped it out of sleep mode.

  An image filled the screen, a video taken from the control room. In the background Chastity splayed on the iCliner, watching Doumi and Kent. In the foreground, Fanny's body seized in the throws of orgasm when she should have been monitoring. The iScreen stopped on a bookmark programmed in by Peter.

  A close-up image of Fanny's face.

  Chapter 5

  Chastity giggled to herself. Look at her now, encased in a fresh silk robe, waiting for her Bondage, Domination, and S&M lesson! In this room there were all sorts of curious and wonderful metal and leather instruments on the walls and odd-looking machines all around. She couldn't wait to find out what they were all for!

  If Daddy could see her he'd be so angry he'd want to spank her as if she were still a little girl. Which she wasn't, thank you very much! She was a big girl, about to do a whole lot of big girl very naughty things.

  It was all so exciting!

  As soon as she graduated from the Institute, she'd marry Shay—she wasn't sure anymore that she was really in love with him, but she'd promised—and he'd take care of her until she could learn something useful to earn money. Maybe she could work at a restaurant! Or be a secretary! Or work in a bookstore, her real dream. Books had kept her from going crazy. Of course everything in Dad's library had no sex and minimal violence, and he banned half the stuff on her school syllabus, but there were still so many wonderful books! Even the ones she didn't understand half of were wonderful.

  If you asked her, Dad had gone a little bonkers after his last movie in which he played a minister. Already staggering under the grief of her mother's death, it was like he never could throw off the role. Every day he'd preach at her, against sex, against rock and roll, against alcohol. It was like she lost a father and gained a terrible cliché from a B movie.

  The door to the little classroom opened, and a very, very sexy guy came in, dressed in black leather pants, bare chested, with a black mask on half his face that looked sort of like a Batman mask only with a pointy top like a Crusader helmet instead of the ears part. Sorta … kinda … you know.

  Gosh, Chastity felt like a kid in an eye-candy store! Not only did she get to see all these gorgeous and exciting men, she got to have all kinds of sex with them.


  "Hi." She smiled shyly. His body was amazing. Shay's body was amazing, too, but it was sort of overdramatically pumped for her taste. She liked guys who were muscled but not popping out with them all over. Like Peter, who was the sexiest man she'd ever seen. Maybe if she studied hard and kept getting good grades, she'd get to make love to him too.

  A girl could hope!

  The big man stopped in the middle of the room, looking positively Medieval, legs slightly apart, amazingly solid and masculine. The bulge between his legs was mighty impressive, too. As impressive as Peter's. Chastity had gotten to like cocks a lot more since she'd arrived at the Institute, and she had a feeling she was only just scratching the surface of what they could do.

  "Hello, Chastity." He spoke in a slow deep Russian-accented voice, very seriously, like he was announcing her doom. It made her want to giggle. "I'm your instructor for the BDSM elective."

  "Okay!" At least he didn't look at her as if she were some kind of sex-freak like most people did. He looked stern, even mean. "What's your name?"

  "You may call me Master."

  That time she did giggle. Master? This was hilarious! "Okay, Master."

  "This is the most difficult course of study in the entire institute curriculum. As such, you must trust me implicitly. Do you trust me, Chastity?"

  "Yes, Master." She was getting good at this!

  "I will be pushing you to your boundaries and then past them. Do you understand?"

  "Yes, Master."

  "You will be giving your body to me."

  "Oh, yes, Master!"

  "I will make you scream."

  "Ooo, please, Master!"

  "In ecstasy and in pain."

  "Uh, what was that second part?"

  "You will follow my every command. But if you truly can't take any more, you will say the safe word."

  "Safe word?"

  "Yes. Choose a word. When you say it, I will know to stop, and the session will be over."

  She was confused. "But what if I don't want the session to be over?"

  "Then don't say the word, silly girl. What safe word do you choose?"

  Hmm. She wanted something cute. Something that felt warm and cuddly and—

  "What word?"

  "Snugglebunny. My safe word is snugglebunny." She smiled.

  He didn't. "We will begin."

  A shiver of excitement raced over her entire body. She couldn't wait! This was so much fun already. "Yes, Master!"

  "Remove your clothes."

  "Sure." She let the robe slip to the ground, curious as to what he'd do next. She watched his eyes, thinking how much she liked that he was looking at her bare breasts and pussy, wondering if her nudity made him want her. Naked didn't feel naked at the Institute, it felt natural and free and wonderful.

  And oh so very sexy.

  "Here." He held out something that looked like a super-complicated horse's bridle, all black leather straps and silver rings.

  "Oooh!" She took it, intrigued. "What is this thing?"

  "Nyet!" He grabbed her hair and brought her face right up to his, so close her nipples grazed his chest hair, making her shiver. He smelled like spicy soap and leather, and his dark eyes glittered menacingly through the mask. He was even curling his lip.

  "You will address me as Master at all times!"

  "Oh, I forgot. S


  "Sorry, Master."

  "You will not get a third chance. You make mistake, you are punished."

  "Okay, Master." She held up the bridle again, determined to do this right. "What is this thing, Master?"

  He let her go so abruptly she nearly fell. "It's your harness. Put it on."

  "Oh, um. Okay." Chastity turned the straps upside down and back. She had no idea where to start. "Can you help me, Master?"

  "Nyet! I want it on you in thirty seconds or there will be punishment!"

  She didn't know what punishment there would be, but if she didn't enjoy it, she always had her safe word. Still she'd enjoyed absolutely everything about this place, so even though she was a little scared, she was excited, too.

  She hoped Shay was having a good time too, only... well, maybe this made her a bad fiancée, but she was fine not seeing him just yet. She wanted to keep experimenting and learning all about other cocks and what they could do before she had to settle down with him.

  Aware of her precious thirty seconds passing, she held the harness next to her body and tried to figure out what went where.

  Good heavens.

  Well, that part had to be for her leg, right? Except it looked like it coiled around several times.

  "Twenty-five seconds."

  "Gosh." Chastity gasped and put her hand to her lips. "I mean gosh, Master."

  "Twenty seconds."

  She thrust her leg desperately into the part that looked like it was made for a leg, and then had to hop a few times while she tried to work it up her thigh until—

  "Fifteen seconds."

  "Sorry, Master." She smiled at him apologetically. He didn't smile back.

  Oh dear. Her breath came faster. She was nervous now, and turned on. He sounded so angry and so stern. Sort of like Daddy. Only she wasn't at all turned on by Daddy because that would make this story too kinky for

  "Ten seconds." He took a step closer.

  "Oh gosh!" Chastity pushed her other leg frantically toward the device, only she missed and one of the straps ended up between her legs like a thong, which wasn't right at all, because now—

  No, no, no! She wasn't going to get it done in time!

  "Five seconds."

  Help! She thrust one arm into the coiled band where she guessed her arm went. That did okay, but how was she supposed to get the rest of it over her—

  "Enough time!" A powerful hand grabbed a lank of hair at the back of her head. Master sat and in one sharp movement, he steered her across his lap. The band between her legs parted her labia and pulled snug against her clitoris.

  Oh my. She started trembling all over, terrified and aroused at the same time. Half of her wanted to scream the safe word, call this off, and leave the room, and half of her wanted him to do whatever he wanted whenever he wanted to, and the other half of her...

  No, wait, she only had two halves.

  "Master? What are you going to do to me?"


  "Yes, Master."

  He skimmed his hand over her back, over her bottom, then down her thighs. Then he started moving it back up.

  She opened her legs.

  "You want me to touch you?" he said.

  "Yes, Master."

  "You are a naughty girl, aren't you?"

  "Oh, yes. Yes, Master."

  He dipped a finger between her thighs, grazing her most sensitive areas.

  A small yip caught in her throat.

  "You are very wet."

  Her breathing grew quicker. "Yes, I am, Master." She could feel the bulge in his leather pants pushing against her belly. So this was exciting the big, bad man, too? She shivered a little at the thought, and reached a hand up to cup him.

  "Don't touch."


  "You may not touch me until I give permission."

  "I'm sorry, Master," Chastity said, feeling rather foolish. Her entire life men had wanted her to touch them, to suck their hard rods, and plunge their shafts between her breasts, between her thighs. Here at the institute they'd been teaching her, but she'd still felt their desire. Men, women, everyone wanted to have sex with her. No one had refused her. It made her feel powerful.

  But if this delicious scary man wanted her to ask permission first, she had no problem with that. "May I touch you, Master?"

  "You want to touch my cock?" he said.

  "Very much, Master."

  "Very much, what?"

  "I very much want to touch your cock, Master." A trill of excitement shimmered through her.


  Chastity whimpered. She couldn't help it.

  "Only very naughty girls would ever ask to touch their masters' cocks."

  "But you told me—"

  "Silence! Only very naughty sluts would talk back." He slipped his hand between her legs again, sliding slowly over her clit then plunging a finger inside her.

  She couldn’t contain the moan.

  "Only very naughty whores would be this wet when put over their master's knee."

  She didn't know what she was supposed to say to that. She was wet. Very wet. And he was making her wetter.

  "Are you a naughty slut, Chastity?"

  She'd never liked the word slut before, but the way he said it made her spread her legs even more. "I am a naughty slut, Master."

  "Do you know what I do to naughty sluts, Chastity?"

  "Fuck them hard, Master?" She didn't know what had gotten into her, she never spoke like this, but she liked it. She liked everything about this place! She pushed her hips back against his hand, taking him deeper, pretending his fingers inside her were his cock.

  The first slap on her ass shocked her so badly she screamed and lurched backward, which made the strap between her legs tighten deliciously.

  Oh my. This must be the S&M part. Because—

  The second slap landed. She reacted the same way, and so did the strap between her legs. The third slap didn't make her scream. Instead she let out a guttural yell that seemed to come from the bottom of her belly, and which didn't sound like any sound she'd ever made before, but she was absolutely red hot. The sting on her bottom, the rub against her clit, she couldn't tell one from the other.

  She wanted the big bad scary man to fuck her so badly!

  "Master! Oh, Master!" She gasped out the words, her bottom tingling wildly, painful but not unpleasant. In fact, the hornier she got the sexier the pain became. Was that right?

  "Tell me what a bad girl you are."

  "Yes, yes…"

  "Say it!"

  "I'm a very bad girl, Master."

  The fourth slap came, rocking her forward, making her yell out again, panting, the strap between her legs delicious torture.

  "Had enough?"

  "Yes. No. I don't know."

  "I don't know, Master." The fifth slap nearly made her come.

  "Yes, Master. I'm sorry, Master." She could barely speak, wanting him to give it to her again, once more, maybe twice, so she could come, then wanting him to spread her wide and thrust his cock inside her like in the Doggies-Do-It section of her Intercourse 101 class. Her pussy was positively begging.

  "Are you turned on, you bad girl?" Slap.

  "Yes, Master."

  "Are you going to come, you slut?" Slap.

  "Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!" She was on the verge. So close. One more slap, and she'd go over for sure. "I mean yes, Master!"

  "You are not allowed to come without permission."

  "May I come, Master?"


  Strong arms tipped her off his lap and onto the floor on all fours.


  But maybe he'd enter her now? Please, let him enter her. She tilted her bottom up, opening her pussy to him.

  "You want me to fuck you, Chastity?"

  "Oh, yes!"

  "I am very disappointed in you. You have not learned your lesson."

  Oh, no! She'd forgotten. "Yes, Master."

  "Too l
ate." He grabbed a stick with leather cuffs attached to each end. At first, she thought he might spank her with it, or better penetrate her with it, but then he flipped her back so she was sitting, and buckled one of the cuffs around her right ankle.

  "Do you know what this is, Chastity?"

  "No, Master."

  "It's a spreader bar." He fastened the other cuff around her left ankle. With both secure, the bar forced her legs to stay three feet apart, and no matter how she thrashed, she couldn't close them. "Do you know why you're wearing this?"

  "No, Master."

  "Because I wish it. I want to see your pussy at all times. Open and bare. It belongs to me."

  The situation probably shouldn't be arousing to a strong and newly liberated woman like herself, but Chastity couldn't stop the thrill that worked over her skin. The idea that he owned her, intimately, and he could do whatever he liked whenever he liked made her so wet, she wanted him to start spanking her all over again.

  Next he took another set of straps and fastened one around each of her wrists, binding them to her open thighs.

  OMG, she couldn't move!

  Then he brought his hands to her, cupping her breasts with warm palms, pinching her nipples, then lower, dipping a finger inside.

  "Oh yes, Master!"

  He kept touching her, gently, teasing, until her hips started rocking and a whimper came from her throat.

  He took his hands away and stared at her, eyes glittering hard through the holes in the mask. But her hips kept moving, trying to reach him, desperate for his touch.

  "You want me to touch you, slut? To make you come?"

  "Please, Master."

  "Are you begging me?"

  "Yes, Master. Please! Please let me come!"


  Tears welled in Chastity's eyes. She wanted to come so badly. She needed to come. This was torture!

  "Are you wet, Chastity?"

  "You know I am, Master."

  "Only a naughty girl gets wet when she's tied up."

  "I'm a naughty girl, Master. So, so, naughty."

  "And you want my cock, don't you?"

  "I do. So much, Master."

  He lowered his head, down between her open thighs.

  Chastity gasped, feeling his hot breath caress her, waiting for his tongue.

  He kissed her legs, the hinges of her thighs, circling around her clit but never touching.